Monday, 27 October 2008

New Canon EOS 5D MkII DSLR camera manual available online

I have to admit, I can't wait to get my hands on the new Canon EOS 5D MkII digital SLR camera. Here is a link for everybody else who is interested in "the details." The user manual for the new camera is available online.

Canon EOS 5D user manual link:

The web rumors say the camera will be available in stores within the next 4 weeks.

Friday, 3 October 2008

James Nachtwey TED prize 2007 Results

In 2007 photojournalist James Nachtwey won the 100k US$ TED prize and was granted "a wish to change the world".

See his inspirational speech here:

The results are out now:

Warning: Some may find the images disturbing.